Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly Musings - 8

On the 10th Wedding Anniversary, time to revisit this old article from People Magazine announcing their wedding. A big cheers to both of them and wishing for many more such anniversaries. Not sure if it was intended in such a way but goes to show that it does not matter how or where you marry as long as you are marrying for the right reasons (sounding like Mike Agassi, right!!).,,20135644,00.html

And yes, she is playing in Halle next year. As some one else said, imagine Graf and Rafa playing mixed doubles, 'GRAFA' team will be great to watch although not going to happen.

Pitfalls of being very humble, down to earth and not carrying an "air of importance" look is that even the security guard wouldn't recognize who you are. Come on Steffi, you have a long way to go in the 'diva' department, just ask some of the former/current players.

More pictures of Steffi from Andre's match in LV, the Champion series event, courtesy Las Vegas Sun. Scroll down in the gallery provided in the link. Can see Phil Agassi in the background.

Tennis Champions Series With Agassi, Sampras, Courier and McEnroe

Tennis Champions Series With Agassi, Sampras, Courier and McEnroe

Tennis Champions Series With Agassi, Sampras, Courier and McEnroe

Couple of references of Steffi in Wertheim's mailbag (seems like it is the mailbag day this week). While Steffi is no BJK (nor does she behave like she belongs to that group, doesn't even consider herself the greatest), to say she will never be remembered for her contribution to the sport is ridiculous. How can one measure great players 'contribution' to the game? Not sure in which context the word 'cipher' was used but me and my family learnt about tennis because of her and no she was not a 'cipher in her heyday'. Her presence of the court was enough for many to watch the game.

Loved this reference in the same mailbag (might be referring to the day when Steffi and Andre were hitting, the videos in the last post).
"I was in Las Vegas this past weekend at the Darling Tennis Center playing in a tournament when none other than Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf took center court and hit against an unknown (to me), albeit good player. Come to find out, the guy paid $20K to take a lesson from the two; the money went to Agassi's foundation. They couldn't have been more gracious, talking to fans, taking pictures, signing every last autograph. We were leaving the facility and saw two black Escalades pulling out (the tinted window, bulletproof, celebrity kind), thinking 'There they go, Andre and Steffi.' But no, the humble pair walked out together (alone) and into their normal car about five minutes later, without an entourage and back to their lives. The Escalades, we found out later, belonged to the guy who paid for the lesson. Ha!"

In contrast to Jon Wertheim's theory (spark your youtube comment), Kimiko Date, the ageless wonder believes Steffi Graf can be no:1 again even in this era. Have to agree with her that it is not just the game but the mind that plays a huge role in winning in tennis. She has played when Steffi was around and she has played against the current generation, so her opinion counts more than sports writers.

Steffi's comments on Indy car crash were published on multiple sites. Not a surprise since at one point, the two Michaels in her life were into race car driving. Loved this description: "typically sensible, stoic and stabilizing words"